Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Definition For Stress

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The Definition For StressThe definition for stress is an internal friction on an object.

If an object has tension on it, that causes stress. Hans Selye, who was an endocrinologist, came up with the term stress. I have my own definition for stress and that is “you don’t like what is”.

Prior to Hans using this term inside the body, stress was only used for a physical object. It was a term used in physics, not in psychology.

Let me point out a distinction between stress and being inspired. Stress is really just a perception.   For example, if an everyday person got dropped off at the foot of Mt. Everest and told they had to climb it, that person would be stressed.

Yet, an experienced rock climber is put in the same position and they would be excited. These two people faced the same event, the same physical requirement and one is stressed, and one is not. Again, stress is a perception.

The term “stress” has become so common in our everyday language that no one even thinks about it. People commonly say, “I’m stressed” or “that stresses me out”. People also think that they have acquired some condition because of stress.

The Definition for Stress I Created is Simply “You Do Not Like What Is”

Now, stress is most likely contributory, but it is not necessarily the cause. The interface between the mind and the body takes place somewhere at the base of the brain called the hypothalamus.

The hypothalamus makes hormones. It then sends messages to the pituitary and then the pituitary sends out hormones to the rest of the body.

Our thyroid gland produces a hormone that gives us energy. A “hypo” condition is someone who is tired, low energy, losing their hair, etc. A “hyper” condition is someone whose heart is beating very fast and they are hyper.

When looking at the standard hormones such as the ovaries, the thyroid, etc., people tend to forget about all the other hormones going on in the body. For example, the heart produces a hormone that deals with the body’s ability to excrete urine.

At our healing center, An Oasis of Healing, we have an extensive, unique and highly effective comprehensive cancer care program. Our protocol not only includes intravenous and adjunct therapies, but we also assist with the mind-body relationship.

There is no one single therapy or treatment that reverses health ailments, it is, in fact, an integrated approach that helps to restore health and return to living a vibrant life.

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The Definition For Stress was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Strange Science News

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