Monday, November 19, 2018

Benefits Of A Water Fast

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Benefits Of A Water Fast
Benefits Of A Water Fast Annabel Treon gives a testimonial to the benefits of a water fast. Under the care of Dr. Thomas Lodi, Annabel completed a 42-day water fast where her cancer was eliminated. Annabel had suffered some unfortunate injuries and for the first time in her life had to take painkillers. After going through all of that, she wanted to detoxify and get these synthetic drugs out of her body. She has read a story of an athlete who was dealing with some injuries and went on a 6-day water fast and healed himself from these injuries. Annabel decided to do a water fast to help her heal both physically and mentally. Dr. Thomas Lodi was helping her prepare for the water fast. Annabel didn’t just jump in and start drinking only water and we don’t recommend that either. There is a process to a water fast and you should be under the care of a doctor as qualified as Dr. Lodi. It’s important to do therapies like colonics, infrared sauna’s and lymphatic massages during a water fast. The reason for this is you are not eating anything giving your digestion system a rest and as a result, you also want to do therapies to remove these toxins out of your body. Annabel did one day of just green juice followed by a ketogenic diet for 3 days leading up to starting her water fast. The idea behind this is to build up a storage of good fats so she had a reserve when she started the fast. Typically, starting a water fast from a standard American diet is really tough for people as they are battling the effects of coming off a glucose-based diet versus a ketogenic diet. Annabel said she had done five- and seven-day water fasts before but was coming off a glucose-based diet and it was much harder to follow through. Already being on a ketogenic diet really helped her through the first week and beyond. She discussed how she was monitored on a daily basis checking all of her vitals levels. Annabel could have stopped at any point after the first 7 days but decided to keep going. It’s really a test of willpower to keep going but she feels like her mental clarity if a little sharper. Some of the benefits of a water fast for Annabel were some of the obvious, better mental clarity and losing weight. However, the ultimate benefit for her was healing her body from cancer and leaving with restored health and the education to maintain it. #benefitsofawaterfast #waterfastingbenefits #anoasisofhealing
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Benefits Of A Water Fast was originally posted by Health Nutrition And Strange Science News

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